Pok?mon Trainers Pearl and Diamond are starstruck! Their lifelong dream is to floor an audience with their Pok?mon comedy act. So how do they wind up as bodyguards to a pampered little rich girl on a quest to reach the peak of Mt. Coronet...?! Come along and join the thrills and laughs as Pok?mon Adventures continues! Plus, meet Starly, Bidoof, Luxio, Combee, Bronzor, Rotom and many more Sinnoh Pok?mon friends!
Thieves are afoot. One wants to steal Diamond's Pok?dex. Another wants to steal...Lady! Can Pearl and Diamond protect her...as well as an entire city?! Then join our trio as they follow in the footsteps of a scientist who researches Pok?mon footprints. Meanwhile, what is Team Galactic planning to do with that machine they just invented...? Plus, meet Riolu, Skuntank, Gible, Hippopotas, Kricketune, Skorupi and many more Sinnoh Pok?mon friends!
Mysteries abound when a Psyduck and a Pokemon Researcher go missing. And Lady fights two epic Gym battles! If only Pearl and Diamond could stop fighing each other?! Then, what secret does Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic, seek in the ruins and relics of Celestic Town...? Plus, meet Carnivine, Floatzel, Magnezone, Drifblim, Mismagius, Bronzong, and many more Sinnoh Pokemon friends!
Lady feels betrayed when she finally discovers the truth about Diamond's and Pearl's identities. Is the trio's journey-and friendship-over?! And how can our three heroes save three Legendary Lake Pok?mon from Team Galactic...when each Legendary Pokemon is in a different lake?! Meanwhile, what evil is Team Galactic secretly concocting in an abamdoned factory...? Plus, meet Bronzong, Mothim, Staraptor, Gilscor, Lucario, Vespiquen, and many more Sinnoh Pok?mon friends.
Team Galactic commanders Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are determined to bomb Lake Verity, Lake Valor and Lake Acuity to awaken the Legendary Lake Pokemon that dwell in their depths! Diamond, Pearl and Platinum divide forces to stop them -- but can they conquer? Then, when things go awry, it's...Diamond to the rescue?! Plus, meet Abomasnow, Tangrowth, Buizel, Gastrodon, Purugly, Staravia and Luxray!
To prepare for their big battle, our trio of friends each need to reach out for help - from Gym Leaders to new Pokemon. Then Lady, Pearl and Diamond are finally reunited in the very heart of Team Galactic's headquarters. Can they release the three Legendary Pokemon...before it's too late? And who will take on Team Galactic's powerful leader Cyrus?! Plus, meet Electivire, Honchkrow, Chingling, Spiritomb, Dialga and Palkia!
Finally together again, Dia, Pearl, and Platinum must battle Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia, who are being controlled by Cyrus, the powerful boss of Team Galactic! Then a new Legendary Pokemon leaps into the fray! Whose side is it on...? And who will rescue Platinum's hapless bodyguards from the mysterious Distortion World they've been banished to...? Plus, hang with Lopunny and meet Porygon-Z, Gallade, and... Looker?!
Lady faces a new Pok?mon battle challenge when she must swap her Pok?mon with her opponent and fight with rented Pok?mon. Meanwhile, the Battle Frontier begins to suffer from a mysterious communications malfunction... What does it signify? Then, Dia and Pearl set out to visit several Legendary Pok?mon of the Sinnoh region. Will they be able to protect them from Team Galactic? Plus, say hello to Togekiss, Empoleon, Heatran, Kakuna, Seedot, Ledian and Rotom!
The battle rages back and forth between the Distortion World and the regular world! Then, when Legendary Pokemon Giratina attacks Pearl, Dia intervenes with disastrous consequences! Meanwhile, Lady finds an unexpected ally in an unexpected location. Will peace ever be restored to the Sinnoh Region...?! Plus, spend time with lots of Pokemon including Blissey, Giratina, Regigigas, Slowking, Rotom, Shaymin, Cresselia, Magmortar, Electivire, Alakazam, Tangrowth and Arcanine!
All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga!Red doesn't just want to train Pokémon, he wants to be their friend too. Bulbasaur and Poliwhirl seem game. But independent Pikachu won't be so easy to win over!And watch out for Team Rocket, Red... They only want to be your enemy! For all ages.
Red is improving rapidly as a Pokémon trainer--and so is his competition. But now Red must team up with his biggest rival Blue and thief Green to defeat a common enemy!And watch out for Team Rocket, Red... They won't let you into Saffron City!
Pok?mon trainer Red has vanished... Trainer Yellow Caballero and Red's faithful Pikachu are off to rescue him. But it will take smarts, skills, and a lot of help from friends and other Pok?mon to find and rescue Red!And watch out for the Elite Four, Yellow Caballero... Are you a strong enough Pok?mon trainer to defeat all of them?
Pok?mon trainer Red has vanished! Yellow Caballero and Pikachu's search leads them to the mysterious headquarters of the Elite Four on Cerise Island. Who has the baddest Pok?mon around? There's only one way to find out...! And watch out for Team Rocket, Pikachu... Are they your enemies or your allies now?
On her search for famous Pokemon trainer, Red, Yellow Caballero finds both human and Pokemon friends-- and enemies. Now Yellow must team up with other trainers, gym leaders and even evil Team Rocket to fight the Elite Four! Yellow Caballero, prepare to battle the Elite Four's top trainer, Lance... It'll take everything you have and everybody you know to beat him!
More exciting Pok?mon adventures starring Gold and his rival Silver! First someone steals Gold's backpack full of Pok? Balls (and Pok?mon!). Then someone steals Prof. Elm's Totodile. Can Gold catch the thief--or thieves?! Keep an eye on Team Rocket, Gold... Could they be behind this crime wave?
Mysteries abound when a Psyduck and a Pokemon Researcher go missing. And Lady fights two epic gym battles! If only Pearl and Diamond could stop fighting each other...! Then, what secret does Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic, seek in the ruins and relics of Celestic Town...? Plus, meet Carnivine, Floatzel, Magnezone, Drifblim, Mismagius, Bronzong and many more Sinnoh Pokemon friends!
On an accidental seafaring adventure in a submarine, Ruby discovers something mysterious deep beneath the waves. Then fi shing nets him another Pok?mon. But is his growing team bringing him closer to - or farther from - his dream? Next, Ruby must face his scariest opponent yet...his father! Meanwhile, Sapphire is having trouble getting in her quota of Gym battles. One Gym Leader wants to just hand her a badge without a proper fi ght! And another has been...kidnapped?! And how are Team Magma and Team Aqua responsible for Ruby and Sapphire's diffi culties?! Age Rating: A
Ruby arrives in Verdanturf Town ready to participate in his first Hoenn region Pokemon Contest. It looks like his dream of becoming the Pokemon Contest Champion is finally back on track! But soon he gets sidetracked yet again when he is asked to rescue a Trainer from a Rusturf Tunnel collapse. Could Team Magma be behind this latest unnatural disaster...? Then, both Ruby and Sapphire begin a losing streak... Meanwhile, the Hoenn Gym Leaders can't agree... Which group is evil? Team Magma or Team Aqua...or both?!
(W) Hidenori Kusaka (A/CA) Satoshi Yamamoto
Team Plasma launches an all-out attack on the Nacrene Museum to steal the mysterious Dark Stone and summon powerful Legendary Pokemon Zekrom! Opposing them is the full might of the Unova Gym Leaders-plus lowly trainer Black... Who will prevail?! WILL BLACK TURN OUT TO BE A HELP...OR A HINDRANCE? Plus, meet Swanna, Unfezant, Lilligant, Cryogonal, Tornadus, Landorus, and Larvesta! Age Rating: A
Team Plasma has kidnapped all but two of the Unova gym leaders! Before he can help rescue the others, Black must undergo grueling training. Will it be enough now that Team Plasma has awakened dangerous Legendary Pok?mon Zekrom...?! Meanwhile, White's new battle skills are put to the test when Bianca needs help protecting an innocent Pok?mon... Then, will Bianca discover her own dream...? Plus, meet Cryogonal, Vullaby, Meloetta and...Emboar?!
X, Y and their best friends battle to rescue kidnapped baby Kangaskhan from the clutches of Team Flare. To protect themselves, the group of friends make an oath to follow five basic rules. Who can they trust? Meanwhile, the secrets behind Mega Evolution unfold... Now can anything get X to smile...?
X, Y and company meet Trevor's online friend Professor Sycamore...but X is suspicious of him. Trevor sets out to get his Holo Caster repaired by Lysandre...who turns out to be another suspicious character. And finally, Alexa is excited about her journalism scoop but is unexpectedly betrayed! Can our friends trust anyone...?
With the help of another new ally, computer tech Cassius, our friends set off in search of Grace's missing mother. En route, they are attacked by Y's former classmates from the Sky Trainer Training School! And then Y gets separated from the others... Who is being mind controlled by Team Flare this time...?!
X was a Pok?mon Trainer child prodigy. But now he's depressed and hides in his room avoiding everyone-including his best friend Y. An attack on their hometown by Legendary Pok?mon Xerneas and Yveltal, led by Team Flare, forces X outside... Now what?