Yuhiro Tsujitsugu

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(W/A) Yuhiro Tsujitsugu Yukio was destroyed in battle and Tetsuo survived in an escape pod. After eight years in cold sleep, the escape pod finally lands back on Earth, and Tetsuo awakens, determined to fulfill his promise to his comrade in arms that he would live his life to the fullest and make many friends. But what he finds instead is a world in ruins, entirely frozen beneath a blanket of ice and snow-a snowball Earth! What happened to humanity, how did the Earth freeze over, and will Tetsuo be able to keep his last promise to Yukio?
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(W/A) Yuhiro Tsujitsugu Upon his return to Earth, Tetsuo finds the planet frozen over. Much to his surprise and horror, he discovers that the alien kaiju have made it to Earth too. But after meeting a hardy band of human survivors, Tetsuo learns that Yukio has survived as well, his consciousness downloaded into the escape pod-which also happens to be a battle robot! Now headed for the survivors' stronghold, Tetsuo is determined to make new friends. But the people Tetsuo has found are not the only ones left, and a mysterious humanoid kaiju also lurks among the ruins.
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