(W/A/CA) Dave Sim
The Cerebus Restoration project continues! The first printing of this special edition of Church & State II will be signed-and-numbered by writer/cartoonist Dave Sim. Painstakingly restored from original artwork, this printing reveals astounding detail, and some of the best pen and ink work of the past fifty years. C + S II is the real deal, a dangerous comic where characters are beholden only to their own self-conceptions-impulsive, unpredictable, but always real and authentic and grounded.
(W/A/CA) Dave Sim
A-V is proud to present, at long last, Jaka's Story, the Remastered Edition, fully-restored page-by-page from the original art boards. To celebrate this event, this edition will be signed-and-numbered by writer/cartoonist Dave Sim (limited to the amount of copies of the initial Diamond order). Jaka's Story, the fifth volume of the Cerebus series, represents a point of departure for the series, focusing as it does on a small cast of characters, living out their lives in orbital, Thoreau-like 'quiet desperation', drawn ever inward, until at last, they inevitably collide. This new edition, painstakingly restored and printed on acid-free paper with a durable sewn binding, reveals astounding detail never before present outside of the original art itself. This volume also includes eight brand-new pages of extras, including a 6,000-word essay by restorer and critic Sean Michael Robinson, discussing the background and 'secret origins' of the book, providing historical context for a whole new generation of readers.
(W) Dave Sim, Sandeep Atwal (A) Gustave Dore, Dave Sim (CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Cerebus' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark) continue! Including the Two-part 'Secret Origin of Batvark!' The first appearance of Fredric Nietzsche and fan-favurite Jingles, the world's greatest collector of CGC-graded Dog Comics! Avengers movies remade with an all-Kardashian sister cast! Life With Archie Civil War! 'Whatever Happened to Tex Thompson, Pep Morgan, Chuck Dawson and Scoop Scanlon?' Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad! Plato vs. Aristotle! Obama voters! Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks! Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir! Chester Brown and the Whore of Babylon! The Legion of Miniaturized Super-Cerebus Robots! And lots more! Collects Batvark #1, Aardvark Comics #1, Strange Cerebus #1, and The Death of Cerebus in Hell? #1.
(W) Dave Sim, Sandeep Atwal (A) Gustave Dore, Dave Sim (CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Collecting: - BATVARK #1 August 2017 - AARDVARK COMICS #1 September 2017 - STRANGE CEREBUS #1 October 2017 - THE DEATH OF CEREBUS IN HELL? #1 December 2017 CEREBUS' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark) continue! Including the Two-part 'Secret Origin of Batvark!' The first appearance of Fredric Nietzsche and fan-favourite Jingles, the world's greatest collector of CGC-graded Dog Comics! Avengers movies remade with an all-Kardashian sister cast! Life With Archie Civil War! 'Whatever Happened to Tex Thompson, Pep Morgan, Chuck Dawson and Scoop Scanlon?' Super-Cerebus versus Batvark the Movie! First (and last?) appearances of Varkternity (Vark-Finite?) and Galactamungus (who mentions Platinum Surfer-Boy)! Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad! Plato vs. Aristotle! Obama voters! Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks! Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir! Cerebus reads Black Panther! Chester Brown and the Whore of Babylon! The Legion of Miniaturized Super-Cerebus Robots! Jaka
(W) Dave Sim, Sandeep Atwal (A) Gustave Dore, Dave Sim (CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Collecting: - NICK CALM, AGENT OF CODPIECE #1 August 2018 - CRISIS ON INFINITE CEREBI #1 September 2018 - THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY CEREBI #1 October 2018 - CERBERUS IN HELL? #1 November 2018 Further collecting CEREBUS' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Including: 'Cash On Delivery Penis in Every Canadian Expresspost'; Cerebus appoints the Whore of Babylon Governor of the Bank of Canada; The computers are eating our pens; 'Bohemian Rhapsody' 'on-hold' music; What it means when a Muslim calls you a 'whore'; The 31 Gender Pronouns; Dead Cerebus balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade; Betty the Aardvark-Molesting-Nursing-Assistant Bird; The Legion of Cerebus-Balloon-Handlers; Ben-Cooper-Cerebus-Halloween-Costume Cerebus; Politically-correct pronouns for Cerberus' three heads; Meet The League of Extraordinary Cerebi 2.0! Why Sean Connery is banned from League HQ; Whatever happened to the League of Yesterday? Young Pappy! Cerebus Strong! Dial A for Aardvark! Miracle Vark and/or Marv
(W) Dave Sim & Various (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Collecting: CANADIAN VARK #1 - Dec 2018 GIANT SIZE JINGLES #1 - Jan 2019 SIM CITY #1 - Feb 2019 SIM CITY THAT ISSUE AFTER/ TEENAGE MONEY NABBING CEREBI #1 - Mar 2019 Further collecting CEREBUS' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Cerebus' Canadian Inaugural Address, 2020! Cerebus beheads everyone at a campaign stop! Voluntary carbon tax paid only by environmentalists! The three answers that answer ANY question in a Liberal or NDP riding! Cerebus, Political Jargon Monster! First Overstreet Price Guide 'Take Note' Note! First All-Jingles, comics' only CGC-graded dog comics collector, issue! Find out what Jingles has to say about: Underdog No.1 (May, 2017); Jughead's Pal Hot Dog (1990); Krypto The Super-Dog (2006); The original Hot Dog (1954)! Waves of heavily-armed Spartans pouring out of the Santa Monica Mountains onto the northbound collector lanes of Highway 405! Equally heavily-armed Persians streaming south from the vicinity of Van Nuys Airport! And what's up with all the little-flesh colored band-aids on Cerebus' fac
(W) Dave Sim, Benjamin Hobbs (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Collecting: Giant Super-Cerebus Annual #1 - Apr 2019 Cerebus Woman #1 - May 2019 LGBTQ People #1 - Jun 2019 Fornicators Inc. #1 - Jul 2019 Further collecting CEREBUS' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Super-Cerebus eats a batch of Red Xenonite brownies which, in this case, causes his Amphetamine Vision to run wild, killing the infernal dead with heart attacks! Super-Cerebus switches into his civilian identity as Kent Olsen, FOX NEWS Gehenna news anchor! Get ready for Cerebus Woman, the tyrannical queen of Real Amazon.com Island and her legion of Mason-Dixon Greek Man O'Horsies! First appearance of her invisible robot bulldozer! Meet the Infernal Realms' most inclusive super group! Lesbiana Hombre! Redwood City! Borderline Bobbiey! Belvedere! Watch, as the strangest heroes of all go head-to-head with Cerebus! Meet the Infernal Realms' second most inclusive super group! Larry with the Horn! Tommy the Tuba-Diving Curious Demon! Un-Beddable Vark! Oddly enough, their first caper is a bank robbery gone wrong where they
(W) Dave Sim & Various (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
The Legend of The IRON MANTICORE starts here! SEE! The development of his rocking theme song that would transform Western society (and many parts of China and San Francisco)! TIME magazine declares it 'THE IRON MANTICORE AGE' (do they still publish TIME magazine?)! The IRON MANTICORE performs at the halftime show at the Superbowl! The UN-BEDDABLE VARK releases his rocking theme song, as do Kanye West and Taylor Swift! All crash and burn! The IRON MANTICORE uses an unprintable homophobic slur! SEE! The IRON MANTICORE drunk as a skunk! SEE! The IRON MANTICORE get as far as page one of his book on FRACTALS! (PHILIP K. DICK mention!) SEE! THE IRON MANTICORE put a dozen pop-tarts in his toaster oven and then forget them! AARDVARK-VANAHEIM GUARANTEES YOU WILL NEVER GUESS THE SHOCK SURPRISE ENDING! Including the 15th Anniversary tribute to indy comics legends, POSSUM AT LARGE and FLYBOY and the first Aardvark-Vanaheim Adult Colouring Book! Featuring HOW TO COLOUR! Legal threat from Mark Zuckerburg! How to keep your vagina 'kissing fresh'
(W) Dave Sim & Various (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Further collecting Cerebus' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! The Legend of the Vark Thing starts here! Learn how enviro-genius Alex Netherlands transforms himself into a walking compost heap to impress this really hot chick! Composting worms and how they 'dig' 1980s disco! Giant-Size Vark Thing in need of some Vark Viagra! Worm rotation! 'The Secret Origin of The Silver Cerebus!' Meet Lone S. Kum, CEO of Telsa Motors and #1 Elon Musk fanboy (who can't wait to crush Musk 'like the outmoded neo-Luddite insect he has become' and dominate the Interplanetary Submersible Balance-Board Buoyancy Space!) and who uses his 'special' touch to get himself elected Supreme Commander of the Electrical Grid Fairies! A plague of Cerebi (many Cerebuses) settling the issue of the proper temperature at which to serve chai tea (hot? cold?) with poison gas ... well, how do you think that's going to work? It destroys their minds and they become The Varking Dead! Meanwhile, Virgil finally gets an answer from the Arby's franchising office and th
(W) Dave Sim & Various (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Further collecting Cerebus' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Read the First Team Up of Green Dante and Green Virgil while Green Virgil's ward, Cerebus, rocks a major Twitter Jones, hooked by the 'Free Legal Advice' Twitter feed! See the denizens of the Infernal Realms get 'Disney-fied'! and discover which beloved Cerebus In Hell? character has fallen to the Dark Side and become Darth [REDACTED]! First appearance of Super-Cerebus's super-attractive cousin, Super-Cerebus Girl (Eat your heart out Curt Swan)! First appearance of The Amicable Spider-Vark and Spider-Whore! Count all the Steve Ditko riffs!
(W) Dave Sim & Various (A/CA) Gustave Dore & Various
Further collecting Cerebus' adventures in Hell? (with a question mark)! Relive 2021 all over again by reading the CEREBUS IN HELL 2021 Preview Calendar issue! Marvel at the giant symbolic BATVARK and the tiny little former BATVARK on the cover of THE AMAZING BATVARK #1 that ACTUALLY APPEAR THAT WAY IN 'Batvark No More!' Expect the unexpected in FLAMING CEREBUS #1 as Cerebus decides to run for Prime Minister of Canada four years ahead of time after failing to get as many seats as the Green Party in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election (Remember? Justin Trudeau in blackface? Yeah, THAT election!) Meet Beverly Swizzle Stick and CEREBUS THE DUCK, your typical sit-around-and-marathon-listen to the 'LIFE-OR-DEATH FEDERAL CONSEQUENCES GOVERNMENT HELP LINE' recorded message Infernal couple (until Beverly's (killer!) Greta Thunberg gag attracts the attention of GEHENNA+ Executive, Cruella D'Almatian!) (Note: There will be a new SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? volume every month (God willing) which will not be reprinted until the following year,