(W) Grant Morrison (A/CA) Dave McKean
The lunatics take control of the asylum and the Dark Knight descends into the heart of madness alongside them in Batman: Arkham Asylum, one of the most successful graphic novels of all time. Written by legendary comics creator Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman) and stunningly illustrated by Dave McKean (The Sandman), this dark and cerebral tale remains as captivating now as when it was first published. Every page has been painstakingly revived to its true color and quality by the artist, leaving a breathtaking final product that matches his original painted artwork. Also includes more than 100 pages of behind-the-scenes content, including the complete annotated script, sketches, pinup gallery, and afterwords by Morrison, McKean, and series editor Karen Berger.
(W) Grant Morrison (A/CA) Dave McKean
Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane is a place of dismal corridors and oppressive shadows?a dark riddle in stone and timber, best left unsolved. Within its claustrophobic walls, the demented and deformed enemies of the Batman brood in padded cells and unlit cellars, dreaming of a day when they might rise up and overthrow the world of reason. That day has finally come. It is April 1, and the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Led by The Joker, Arkham?s inmates issue a terrible ultimatum to the man responsible for their imprisonment. The Batman must descend into this heart of darkness, confront his greatest foes, and face the truth of his own divided identity?or condemn himself to share their fate. Written by legendary comics creator Grant Morrison and beautifully illustrated by artist Dave McKean, the timeless, genre-bending tale Batman: Arkham Asylum is brought back to its classic beauty in this deluxe hardcover edition, now with updated artwork lovingly restored by the artist himself!
El Joker y los dem?s reclusos del Asilo Arkham han tomado las riendas del psiqui?trico y le han dejado un mensaje a Batman: matar?n a todos los empleados a menos que el h?roe se adentre en el centro. As? comienza la aventura m?s perturbadora del Caballero Oscuro, una que pondr? a prueba su cordura... si es que alguna vez la ha tenido. Grant Morrison, responsable de obras tan aplaudidas como Animal Man, Los Invisibles o El Multiverso, escribe esta novela gr?fica dibujada por Dave McKean. Publicada originalmente en uno de los momentos de mayor popularidad de Batman, Asilo Arkham sigue siendo hoy en d?a una de las reflexiones m?s profundas que se han hecho sobre la raz?n de ser del personaje. El Universo DC est? repleto de lugares perturbadores, pero pocos lo son tanto como el Asilo Arkham para Criminales Dementes. All? cumplen condena los peores enemigos de Batman, los que sufren enfermedades mentales que les han llevado a cometer todo tipo de fechor?as.
The Joker and the other inmates of Arkham Asylum have taken over the psychiatric facility and left Batman a message: they will kill a
McKean uses mixed media to take readers on a journey unlike any other: 'The Coast Road' follows a desperate wife trying to find her missing husband, whose ghostly image appears in unexpected ways. 'Black Holes,' written by an anonymous journalist, concerns the politically sensitive true story of Chinese villagers induced by the government to sell their blood, only to be infected with AIDS through poor medical practice. A myriad of personal tales fill the pages of McKean's latest achievement.