Se est?n produciendo unos brutales asesinatos en Gotham City. Se dir?a que es un d?a cualquiera en el territorio de Batman, pero la aparici?n del di?cono Blackfire y de sus ac?litos auguran una de las aventuras m?s terror?ficas y sangrientas de la historia del Caballero Oscuro. Jim Starlin aleja al Hombre Murci?lago de sus enemigos habituales en La secta, una inquietante novela gr?fica dibujada por Bernie Wrightson, un autor especialista en el g?nero de terror que tambi?n se ocupa en este libro de dos relatos escritos por Ron Marz y Len Wein donde Batman emprende la b?squeda de otro asesino en serie y recibe la visita de la Cosa del Pantano. El mundo est? acostumbrado a ver a Batman y Robin enfrent?ndose a villanos pintorescos y a mafiosos de todo tipo, pero en este caso se trata de un adversario especial que hace de La secta un c?mic cautivador que deja una impronta indeleble en los lectores.
Brutal murders are taking place in Gotham City. You'd think it was just an ordinary day in Batman territory, but the appearance of Deacon Blackfire and his acolytes portends one of the most ter
(W) Jim Starlin (A/CA) Bernie Wrightson
Batman has faced a multitude of foes throughout his career, but he's never faced anyone like the charismatic Deacon Blackfire. By manipulating the minds of the homeless and downtrodden, Blackfire has amassed an army willing to follow his every command--and Batman may become his latest acolyte! Will Blackfire succeed in breaking the Dark Knight's spirit? This deluxe edition of the classic miniseries by JIM STARLIN (Batman) and BERNIE WRIGHTSON (Swamp Thing) collects all four issues plus a never-before-seen gallery of original art by Wrightson.
(W) Jim Starlin (A/CA) Bernie Wrightson
In this controversial prestige series by writer Jim Starlin (Batman), artist Bernie Wrightson (Swamp Thing), and colorist Bill Wray (The Ren & Stimpy Show), Batman faces the enigmatic--and seemingly immortal--Deacon Blackfire, who has convinced an army of Gotham's forgotten citizens to overthrow the city. With the Dark Knight's mind and will seemingly broken by Blackfire's interrogation techniques, will Gotham finally fall? This softcover edition collects the entire four-issue series, remastered to preserve the original feverish colors.
Stosh Bludowski is a killer, born with the capacity for no apparent human emotion other than rage. Killing comes easy for Blud, and he makes a good living doing what's easy-until the day he meets two jobs in an alley who just won't die, and a grotesque mystery unfolds right in front of him. Soon, the remorseless killer is confronted by a reality he could never imagine, and he will be invited to make a decision once and for all . . . is he human, or is he Other?