(W) Paul Dini (A/CA) Alex Ross
Between 1998 and 2003, the Eisner Award-winning team of artist Alex Ross and writer Paul Dini joined forces to create six oversize editions of stories featuring the World's Greatest Super Heroes: SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH, BATMAN: WAR ON CRIME, SHAZAM!: POWER OF HOPE, WONDER WOMAN: SPIRIT OF TRUTH, JLA: SECRET ORIGINS, and JLA: LIBERTY AND JUSTICE. This Absolute Edition collects these groundbreaking and beautifully illustrated tales, along with a wealth of behind-the-scenes materials.
Ross' ultra-realistic, painted renditions of iconic superheroes have made him a superstar. In the vein of such hit Alex Ross books such as Mythologies and Rough Justice, we are proud to present the ultimate collection of Alex Ross art from his extensive collaboration with Dynamite. Containing sketches, designs, layouts and pencils, interior work, covers, and a wealth of unpublished art. Collecting all of Alex's Dynamite covers and interior art in one complete hardcover volume, along with commentary throughout the book by Alex Ross himself, as well as special bonus material, this is a package not to be missed. A must-buy for Alex Ross' legion of fans!
(W) Paul Dini (A/CA) Alex Ross
They are known as DC Comics' finest heroes, and they are prepared to save the world from itself! These are epic tales of DC Comics' most famous, colorful, and iconic characters told through the amazing talents of writer Paul Dini and painter Alex Ross! Collects Superman: Peace on Earth, Batman: War on Crime, Shazam!: Power of Hope, Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth, JLA: Secret Origins, and JLA: Liberty and Justice.
En un futuro no muy lejano, Magog y sus aliados son los ?nicos superh?roes de la Tierra, pero sus m?todos est?n a punto de provocar un caos del que no habr? vuelta atr?s. As? pues, Superman se ve obligado a abandonar su retiro para, en compa??a de m?s h?roes de anta?o, conseguir que la humanidad vuelva a tener fe en ellos. El guionista Mark Waid y el dibujante Alex Ross unen fuerzas en Kingdom Come, un relato tan bello como inquietante que defiende el c?mic de superh?roes como un g?nero protagonizado por personas de alma e intenciones puras frente a aquellas que se parecen demasiado a los enemigos que combaten. La historia de DC Comics est? repleta de c?mics imprescindibles que poseen un gran valor en s? mismos, no solo por contar con un principio y un final definidos sino tambi?n por haber participado en la evoluci?n del medio. Kingdom Come supuso en su d?a un vuelco que dict? el futuro inmediato de un medio que abandon? la moda imperante para volver a sus or?genes.
In the not-too-distant future, Magog and his allies are the only superheroes on Earth, but their methods are about to