A cursed, seemingly immortal warrior aids a young girl in her quest for revenge. Samura's massive manga series spawned an anime run, a spinoff novel, an art book, and a live-action film! Intense and audacious, Blade takes period samurai action and deftly combines it with a modernist street idiom to create a style and mood like no other work of graphic fiction! Collects volumes 1-3. o A great way to start the series before the 2017 film!
Rin continues her quest across Japan to avenge the murder of her parents, joined by Manji-her seemingly immortal protector. The eccentric, bloodthirsty Itt?-ry? sword school tries to carve a path to Edo Castle, led by the hated Anotsu as they obliterate all rival schools along the way. The deadly Mugai-ry? has formed, though-with the sole purpose of destroying Anotsu's clan! Collects volumes 4, 5, and 6.